Working As An Event Planner

Darrin Resume Collections

Working As An Event Planner. Now, before you decide event planning isn't for you, I was looking at companies that hired employees. Event planning, as mentioned earlier is a vast field and this implies that like every other diverse profession, you have to choose a niche that best suits your personality and preferences.

What do Event Planners Do? - Event Planner Day in the Life ...
What do Event Planners Do? - Event Planner Day in the Life ... (Russell McDonald)
Want to get into event planning? When you get to a certain stage in your event planning career, your skillset has to Ask for introductions from contacts you have with potential hiring managers for companies you'd like to work for. What does an event planning job look like when you get to the top?

If you want to start your own home-based event planning business, you'll have more flexibility regarding work hours, pay, and what background training and education you'll need.

Most work full-time and work more hours as an event approaches, often evenings and weekends.

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Event Planner Job Description: Salary, Skills, & More

How to Plan an Event (Checklist Included) -

Hotel Event Planner Job Description - Word | Google Doc

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Event planners are always in demand; from weddings to corporate gatherings, there is always call for someone who can help make an event run smoothly. An event planner (also known as a meeting and/or convention planner) is someone who coordinates all aspects of professional meetings and events. An Event Planner who works for an agency will often work for lots of different clients, on many different events throughout the year.